Get More out of Your Career as a Therapist with APR

All Places Rehab is a great way to build your practice and find new clients with minimal effort, but did you know that we’re also dedicated to helping you gain more personal satisfaction at every stage of your career as a rehabilitative therapist? Whether you’re an occupational therapist, physical therapist, or speech language pathologist, All Places Rehab can help you on your path to growing your services, specializing in niche areas, and targeting the clients that you most want to attract.

How do we do it? It’s simple. Set up your profile according to our following guide, and you’ll be shifting your career towards wherever you want to go, but basically on cruise control.

Define Your Course:

You can’t navigate if you don’t know where you’re going. Take a minute to visualize, or even write down, what you want more of, what you want less of, and what’s currently working well for you in your practice. For example, maybe you have an area of interest with little to no cases or experience, and your goal is to be able to attract cases in this area. Perhaps everything’s going well in your practice, but you struggle to get a flow of clients. Whatever your pain points and successes are, take note. These are your guides in how to structure your All Places Rehab profile.

Certifications, Skills, and Experience

Sometimes as rehabilitative therapists, when we begin getting cases in a certain area, our caseload grows exponentially in that area through referrals, word of mouth, and even search engine optimization. It’s great when you start building that traction, but sometimes it ends up being the wrong direction and you find yourself with a lot of cases that are not in your area of interest. This happens especially to new graduates, but it can happen to well established therapists too! When we’re busy with our caseload, it’s hard to step back and question what seems to be working.

All Places Rehab makes this process very simple. Whatever you want to attract, that’s what you’re going to highlight on your profile. Those stretch cases, new skills, new certifications or courses—now’s the time to earn them and market them in your APR profile! Likewise, if you’re no longer wanting to offer a certain service, you can consider removing any relevant certifications and experience from your profile, or you can choose to at least remove it from the bio on your profile so that it doesn’t appear to be your area of focus. Your profile can reflect whatever you want out of your career. It does have to be honest and accurate, though, so be sure not to list any experience until you’ve had at least one case or any certifications you haven’t yet completed.

Client Reviews

Another great way to steer towards your career goals are to request client testimonials for the services you want to provide more of. As you gain more of these testimonials, you can also begin to remove testimonials reflecting services you want less of or would like to discontinue.

Building Your Network

All Places Rehab is not only a space to connect with clients, but also to connect with other professionals in your field or in complementary therapy practices. You can use All Places Rehab to reach out to other professionals in your area, or across the country virtually and build your own professional community. This is your platform for support and asking questions, as well as finding like-minded healthcare professionals you can refer your clients to, and hopefully vice-versa.

Those services that aren’t filling your cup, you could begin referring to someone else. Likewise, you can reach out to your network and let them know you are hoping to focus on offering more of the services you’re trying to build up in your practice, so that they can keep you in mind if any referral opportunities come up in that area. Your professional network can be a huge support to you in shaping your career to match your vision.

We hope this guide has helped you to zoom out and assess where you’d like to go in your career and how APR can help you get there. For new graduates and rehabilitative therapists at the beginning stages of their career, we’ve recently shared a guide on how you can begin getting a steady flow of clients, and also how you can focus on growing your career with All Places Rehab.

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